Naftomet OilField Equipment Nigeria Limited offers a variety of Christmas Trees, wellheads and valves of various types and sizes in standard versions which includes:
- Solid Block
- Brine Leaching
- Selective
- Underground Gas Selective
- Circulation Head for Brine
- Geothermal
- Specially equipped with choke for gas flow control
- Control with subsurface safety valve control-line Injection line
Standard Christmas Tree
Standard Christmas Trees are manufactured in two versions as a standard production head called “Christmas Tree” as well as a compact version called “Solid Block”. In the second version gate valves are assembled directly into the production head body so that its height is lower.

There are many different design solutions implemented in the standard Christmas Trees; and they are all adjusted to specific requirements of the client. Standard Christmas Trees are produced in material classes from AA to FF, working pressure range from 2000 to 10000 psi and flow diameter from 21/16” to 9”.

Selective Christmas Tree
The selective Christmas Tree is used for production of oil or gas coming from 2 different horizons. The hanger includes 2 tubing strings next to each other the elastomer sealing was used in hanger body.

Christmas Tree for brine Leaching
Christmas Tree for brine leaching is used to leach storage cells for underground gas storages. Its design enables water injection and brine receiving at the same time.

Injector Christmas Tree
The Injection Christmas Tree has an injection line through which various kinds of substances, for example corrosion and oxygen inhibitors or substances that dissolve wax can be injected into tubing. Injection is conducted on required depth Injection Christmas Tree has also control line to control subsurface safety valve as well as CTH type hanger equipped with mandrel activated elastomer sealing. Metal to metal sealing is used on the hanger neck both for injection line and control line.

Christmas Tree with ESP System
Christmas Tree with ESP System is used for the production of oil and gas resources where there is a need to power and control submersible pump. In this solution tubing hanger includes electric power cable pack-off port that permits positioning an electric submersible pump (ESP) power cable through the port in the tubing hanger The wellhead permits installation and packing and compression rings within the power cable port to create a leak-proof seal around the outer cable jacket.

Connectors – Adapters
Connectors and adapters are used for configuration of subassemblies (Flange Configuration) are manufactured in accordance with API Spec. 6A and customers requirements.

Wellhead connector for coiled tubing
The purpose of connector for coil-tubing is to hang pipes used for coil tubing . it enables to conduct different processes on the well, for example running-in pump-down type tools, acid treatment, field zone cleanout, filling with production – increasing substances.

Valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways.

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